Thursday, January 14, 2016

Proper speed of weight loss

A lot of people out there are looking for huge amounts of weight loss and fast......
but at what cost?

How much do we want to lose in a week and remain safe?

What are the risk factors if i lose more?

According to the NSCA:
An individual wants to lose approximate 1% of body mass per week.
Depending on your mass the amount that you are safely allowed to lose will be different.

For example:
A 110 lbs individual should not lose more that 1.1 lbs a week
A 331 lbs individual may safely lose 3.3 lbs per week.

For those losing more that 1% a week run into the risk factors of dehydration, loss of lean mass (muscle tissue), and decrease in vitamin and mineral status.

The epitome of lean is creating a big ratio of muscle to fat so if you lose to rapidly yes you will lose fat but also at the cost of precious muscle tissue too!

So even if you lose 5 or 10 lbs your body fat ratio can still be the same and technically not any leaner.

Slow and steady wins the race with the best product in the end.

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